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The Scarehouse


the scarehouse 2014

‘Revenge is a bitch’

The Scarehouse is a 2014 Canadian horror film written and directed by Gavin Michael Booth(To Hell, With Love). It stars Sarah Booth (WerewomanHemlock Grove), Kimberly-Sue Murray (The Colony; Crimson Peak), Katherine Barrell (Poe; Definition of Hell), Teagan Vincze (Dead Genesis, Fortune Cookie Prophecies), Emily Alatalo, Dani Barker, Ivana Stojanovic, Jennifer Miller, Brad Everett, Jack Ettlinger, Alex Harrouch and Tanya Bevan.


Prior to its VOD and iTunes release on October 21, 2014 (USA and Canada), The Scarehouse has its world premiere on October 5th at the Lakeshore Cinema in Windsor, Ontario.


Plot teaser:

Two friends open a Halloween fun house on Devil’s Night, an elaborate party for their former sorority sisters. As these six sisters arrive one by one, they are confronted by a troublesome past. When their hosts’ true intentions are revealed, everyone inside the Scarehouse will find out that, indeed, revenge is a bitch…

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The Monster Album – compilation album



The Monster Album is a 1964 release on Don Costa’s DCP label. The twelve songs are mostly written by Dickie Goodman and Bill Ramal, though there are also takes on hits of the day, including Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett’s perennial “Monster Mash. The performers are mostly session musicians, though there are known contributions from prolific songwriter and producer Gary Usher (best known for his work with Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys) and Chuck Girard, the singer of both The Castells and The Hondells.

The late 50’s and early 60’s were flooded with ‘novelty’ horror and Halloween-themed albums, in some respects a post-war rejection of fantasy horror as something genuinely frightening and a sign that horror had entered mass public consciousness to the extent that parodies would be widely understood.

Dickie Goodman was an American music and record producer born in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for inventing and using the technique of the “break-in”, an early precursor to sampling that used brief clips of popular records and songs to “answer” comedic questions posed by voice actors on his novelty records. Perhaps the most notorious example of this is “Mr Jaws”, a 1975 parody of Spielberg’s summer blockbuster which inexplicably went to number 4 on the Billboard Top 100.

If anything, The Monster Album is more subtle, though it would be alarming if anything were to compete. The track-listing is as follows:

1. The Ghoul From Ipanema

2. Frankenstein Meets the Beetles

3. Werewolf Waltz

4. Haunted House

5. Monster Mash

6. My Baby Loves Monster Movies

7. Dracula Drag

8. Blood and Butter

9. A Hard Day’s Night

10. Monster Talk

11. Purple People Eater

12. Mambo Mummy

The songs are mostly in a rock ‘n’ roll style but with elements of surf music and hotrod imagery. The ‘adaptations’ are easy to spot – a fleetingly amusing take on “The Girl From Ipanema” and yet another version of Sheb Wooley’s “Purple People Eater”, a song only aped more by “Monster Mash”, which is also here. Beatlesmania certainly influenced the album, the original “Frankenstein Meets The Beetles” (not sure why they changed the spelling)  which sees our favourite animated corpse taking the place of Paul alongside George, John and Ringo on the grounds that they all have the same haircut. The creators were pleased enough with it that they released it as a 7″ single, backed with “Dracula Drag”, probably the best song on the album which sounds eerily like The Ramones’ “Rock n’ Roll High School”. The single was credited to Jekyll and Hyde. The charts remained untroubled.


Elsewhere on the album, “A Hard Day’s Night” is a disgracefully lazy straight read-through of The Beatles’ hit but ‘sung’ by a Boris Karloff sound-a-like (actually, a-sound-a-bit-a-like) and “Blood and Butter” parodied the already ludicrous, “Bread and Butter” by The Newbeats.

The album was housed in one of the most poorly executed sleeves of all-time, a pitiful rendering of classic movie monsters plonked on a crudely-drawn graveyard backdrop. The album has never been issued on CD and partly due to the Gary Usher connection, now commands, incredibly, three-figure sums on internet auction sites.

Daz Lawrence, Horrorpedia



Jack-O’-Lantern – folklore and tradition



A jack-o’-lantern is a carved pumpkin or similarly-sized gourd or turnip, associated chiefly with the holiday of Halloween, and was named after the phenomenon of strange light flickering over peat bogs, called will-o’-the-wisp or jack-o’-lantern. In a jack-o’-lantern, the top is cut off to form a lid, and the inside flesh then scooped out; an image, usually a monstrous face, is carved out of the pumpkin’s rind to expose the hollow interior. To create the lantern effect, a light source is placed within before the lid is closed, traditionally a candle flame. It is common to see jack-o’-lanterns on doorsteps and otherwise used as decorations during Halloween.



The term jack-o’-lantern is in origin a term for the visual phenomenon ignis fatuus (lit., “foolish fire”) known as a will-o’-the-wisp in English folklore. Used especially in East Anglia, its earliest known use dates to the 1660s. The term “will-o’-the-wisp” uses “wisp” (a bundle of sticks or paper sometimes used as a torch) and the proper name “Will”: thus, “Will-of-the-torch.” The term jack-o’-lantern is of the same construction: “Jack of [the] lantern.”

The carving of root vegetables may appear to be a way of utilising usually unwanted oversized harvest but records of Man performing this task date back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Gourds were used to carve lanterns by the Maori over 700 years ago, with the Māori word for a gourd also used to describe a lampshade. There is a common belief that the custom of carving jack-o’-lanterns at Hallowe’en originated in Ireland, where turnips, mangelwurzel or beetroot were supposedly used. The carvings were said to represent spirits or goblins around the festival of Samhain. Conversely, other theories suggest they were simply ornate lanterns or even perhaps the representation of souls stuck in purgatory.


Although study into Irish folklore has found no specific records of turnip lanterns, English accounts record something very similar, turnips being used to carve what was called a “Hoberdy’s Lantern” in Worcestershire at the end of the 18th century. These were placed randomly atop hedgerows to ward off ne’er-do-well travellers. More precise accounts are recorded from the early 1800’s across Europe but in particular, the British Isles, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy and Spain.


Irish tales speak of Stingy Jack, also known as Jack the Smith, Drunk Jack, and Jack of the Lantern, a character always associated with All Hallows Eve. It is common lore that the “jack-o’-lantern” is derived from the Jack of this legend. The most repeated account tells of a drunkard known as “Stingy Jack”, known throughout the land as a deceiver, manipulator and otherwise dreg of society. On a fateful night, the devil overheard the tale of Jack’s evil deeds and silver tongue. Unconvinced (and envious) of the rumours, the devil went to find out for himself whether or not Jack lived up to his vile reputation. Lo’, the inevitably drunken Jack staggered home one night and found a body on his cobblestone path. The body with an eerie grimace on its face turned out to be Satan. Jack realized somberly this was his end; Satan had finally come to collect his malevolent soul. Jack made a last request: he asked Satan to let him drink ale before he departed to Hades. Finding no reason not to acquiesce the request, Satan took Jack to the local pub and supplied him with many alcoholic beverages. Upon quenching his thirst, Jack asked Satan to pay the tab on the ale, to Satan’s surprise. Jack convinced Satan to metamorphose into a silver coin with which to pay the bartender (impressed upon by Jack’s unyielding nefarious tactics). Shrewdly, Jack stuck the now transmogrified Satan (coin) into his pocket, which also contained a crucifix. The crucifix’s presence kept Satan from escaping his form. This coerced Satan to agree to Jack’s demand: in exchange for Satan’s freedom, he had to spare Jack’s soul for ten years.


Ten years later to the date when Jack originally struck his deal, he found himself once again in Satan’s presence. Jack happened upon Satan in the same setting as before and seemingly accepted it was his time to go to Hades for good. As the Satan prepared to take him to Hades, Jack asked if he could have one apple to feed his starving belly. Foolishly Satan once again agreed to this request. As Satan climbed up the branches of a nearby apple tree, Jack surrounded its base with crucifixes. Satan, frustrated at the fact that he been entrapped again, demanded his release. As Jack did before, he made a demand: that his soul never be taken by Satan into Hades. Satan agreed and was set free.

Eventually the drinking and unstable lifestyle took its toll on Jack; he died the way he lived. As Jack’s soul prepared to enter Heaven through the gates of St. Peter he was stopped. Jack was told by God that because of his sinful lifestyle of deceitfulness and drinking, he was not allowed into Heaven. The dreary Jack went before the Gates of Hades and begged for commission into underworld. Satan, fulfilling his obligation to Jack, could not take his soul. To warn others, he gave Jack an ember, marking him a denizen of the netherworld. From that day on until eternity’s end, Jack is doomed to roam the world between the planes of good and evil, with only an ember inside a hollowed turnip (“turnip” actually referring to a large swede) to light his way.


On a very basic level, Jack o’ lanterns were also a way of protecting your home against the undead. Superstitious people used them specifically to ward away vampires as it was said that the Jack-o-lantern’s light was a way of identifying the fiends and, once their identity was known, would give up their hunt for you.

The American tradition of carving pumpkins (chosen because of their profusion and bright colour) is first recorded in 1837 and was originally associated with harvest time in general, not becoming specifically associated with Halloween until later in the 19th century. The tradition of carving pumpkins is still largely more associated with America than Britain, the British tradition of Guy Fawkes Night fireworks and bonfires on November 5th still taking precedence – it is also the case that Americans have concocted many recipes to ensure masses of gigantic orange vegetables do not go to waste. But pumpkin carving is rapidly becoming a must in the UK too…


The carving of pumpkins has progressed from a craggy-toothed will-this-do effigy to a true art-form. Popular figures, symbols, and logos are now seen used on pumpkins, a variety of tools used to carve and hollow out the gourd, ranging from simple knives and spoons to specialised instruments. Candles are sometimes replaced with electric light of various colours to enhance the end result. So competitive has the pursuit become that pumpkins are sometimes grown into moulds so that usually impossible creations can be attempted.

Daz Lawrence, Horrorpedia

Betty Boop's Halloween Party 1933


Yvonne De Carlo 1940s Halloween pumpkin pic

Yvonne De Carlo (later Lili Munster) circa 1940s








Zombie Pumpkin




Peanuts Halloween pumpkin


Batman: Haunted Knight



Batman: Haunted Knight is an anthology trade paperback published by DC Comics in 1996. It reprinted three one shot Halloween specials from the previous three years. Each of the stories were written by Jeph Loeb and featured art by Tim Sale.


During the story “Fears”, Batman is hunting down and trying to capture Scarecrow. As the title suggests, fear plays a large part in the story, with Batman nearly dying of fear while trapped in a large, poisonous, thorn maze.

“Madness” tells the story of James Gordon’s daughter, Barbara, being kidnapped by Mad Hatter and forced to be in a twisted tea party with other kidnapped children. Batman and Gordon finally save Barbara and bring down Mad Hatter.

Batman Ghosts Halloween

“Ghosts” is basically a Batman universe version of A Christmas Carol, with Bruce’s father taking the place of Marley, and the three spirits being Poison Ivy, Joker, and a Grim Reaper figure who turns out to be Batman’s ghost. The message from the spirits is that Bruce should not let Batman take over his entire life.


” … there is some downright unforgettable art on display here. From terrifying depictions of Batman to open the book, to what’s possibly my favourite reveal of the Joker ever, the book has no shortage of amazing scenes and Sale illustrates many of them wonderfully. No doubt I’ll want to talk about every page of his once I finish the Harvey Dent origin story, but suffice it say: this guy has style like no other. The closest comparison to another artist I can think of is Frank Miller, but that isn’t really fair because, as you can see in this image of Poison Ivy, Sale has a very unique and identifiable approach to his character design.” Jordan Smith

Haunted Night is a complete joy, with the writing and art complementing each other at every turn. If you are a Batman fan, then you might find yourself picking up this book and never letting it go.” The [Real] Scratch Pad


Buy Batman: Haunted Knight from Amazon.co.ukAmazon.com

“Though the first two stories in this collection are good reads, I wouldn’t recommend this trade too highly. Sure, it’s Loeb and Sale and good stuff, but it’s nowhere near the level of their later work. You likely wont’ be haunted by these stories or drawn back to them often.” Hilary Goldstein, IGN





‘Next Halloween, hell comes knocking…’

Hellions is a 2014 horror film directed by Bruce McDonald (Pontypool).

The film stars Robert Patrick, Rossif Sutherland, Luke Bilyk, Rachel Wilson, Chloe Rose, Peter DaCunha, Sydney Cross, Adelaide Humphreys, Joe Silvaggio, Stephanie Fonceca, Karlo William, Nicholas Craig, Emir Hirad Mokhtarieh and Aliyah Jhirad.


Plot teaser:

It is Halloween night and pregnant teen Dora is home alone when a group of masked beings knock on her door.  Unbeknownst to Dora, these are demonic beings free to roam on Halloween seeking to isolate Dora from the outside world and steal her soul…



” …a maelstorm of horror traditions and tropes, good and bad alike. While the film is never boring for its constant barrage of evocative imagery, cacophonous score and sound design, McDonald and writer Pascal Troitter are never able to marry such bombast with their intended themes around motherhood, teen sex and abortion.” Ben Umstead, Twitchfilm

Dee Wallace – actress



Dee Wallace – born Deanna Bowers; December 14, 1949 – and also known as Dee Wallace Stone, is an American actress and ‘Scream Queen’. She is perhaps best known for her roles in several popular films, mainly in the horror genre. Her most widely-seen role is a starring role as Elliott’s mother, Mary, in the Steven Spielberg film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). She also played key roles in popular cult films The Hills Have Eyes (1977), The Howling (1981) and Cujo (1983), as well as more recent efforts including The House of the Devil (2009) and The Lords of Salem (2012). In total, she has appeared in over 90 television shows and 100 films.

Wallace was born in Kansas City. She attended Wyandotte High School, before attending the University of Kansas and graduating with an degree in Education. She briefly taught high school drama at Washington High School in Kansas City, in the early 1970s. She married fellow actor Christopher Stone in 1980, with whom she had one daughter, Gabrielle Stone, who has since forged a career in acting and film-making herself. She acted alongside Christopher in both The Howling and Cujo, as well as TV series such as CHiPs (on the set of which they first met) and The New Lassie. He sadly died in 1995 from a heart attack. Wallace has since married television producer Skip Belyea.

Wallace’s first film acting role of note was in 1975’s The Stepford Wives, in which she played Nettie the maid, a minor, one-line part but one which clearly caught the attention of casting directors. It was two years later, in Wes Craven’s seminal The Hills Have Eyes that, after enduring the usual audition process, she was cast as Lynne Wood, the mother of the family attempting to traverse the desert, with unfortunate cannibalistic interruptions. It’s an incredibly assured performance and, rather like a slightly more mainstream film she was shortly to star in, was an early indication that she was a go-to for the role of the reliable mother-figure in a film.

Though it was indeed to be 1982’s E.T. which would bring her the most widely-known of her roles, it was her appearance in Joe Dante’s The Howling, from the previous year which would cement her in the hearts and minds of horror fans, her starring role as Karen White becoming something of a benchmark for female characters in horror films, thoughtful and engaging, without the almost essential industry-standard lapse into running-away-from-a-killer-in-the-woods-and-falling-over. Contrary to popular belief, she is not beneath layers of makeup at the film’s Yorkshire Terrier lyncanthrope finale; this is an animatronic. Her sympathetic approach to the genre led her to being one of the most in-demand actresses for 1980s horror films, alongside Adrienne Barbeau.

It’s somewhat poignant therefore that even after her role in the blockbuster, E.T. that she soon returned to horror, this time in the movie adaptation of Stephen King’s Cujo (1983). The car-confined conditions of much of the film’s shooting, as well as acting alongside five St. Bernard dogs have left Dee to since comment that making Cujo was one of her most challenging projects; it is however a role for which she has won particular praise, not least from King himself who suggested she should have been considered for an Academy Award.

After an appearance in the revitalised Twilight Zone TV series, she next appeared, genre-wise, in 1986’s Critters, her only appearance in the franchise. Whether by accident or design, her periodical appearances in horror ensured she remained in horror fans minds without becoming an unbearable omnipresence. When the 1990’s reached a crossroads, unable to decide fully what direction horror should take, Wallace was happy to star in cheaper, schlockier fare, self-reverential without pouring scorn on an art-form which had treated her so kindly. Though her turn in 1991’s Popcorn is fondly remembered by some fans, Alligator 2: The Mutation (1991) and 1995’s Temptress did little to change the world but ensured she was never out of work and never pigeon-holed herself.

More significant work came in Peter Jackson’s The Frighteners (1995), though it was at this time she lost her husband. In 1997, Skeletons saw her working alongside Christopher Plummer and James Coburn, though this promised slightly more than it delivered. Though far from fallow, the remainder of the decade saw an increase in TV fare, the start of the 2000’s seeing a more concerted return to more familiar ground; 2001’s Killer Instinct, 2004’s Dead End Road, Headspace in 2005, Boo from the same year and Abominable (2006) all preceded her introduction to a new horror audience in Rob Zombie’s interpretation of Halloween (2007).

Wallace’s relationship with Zombie has proved to be not only productive but enriching, with Wallace hailing the director as one of the best she has worked with. They reunited again in 2012 for The Lords of Salem. Wallace’s acting career shows no signs of stopping, despite her other life as a life coach, public speaker and author of self-help books; in 2015 she is scheduled to appear in Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard and Death House, alongside a slew of similarly determined campaigners including Robert Englund, Michael Berryman, Barbara Crampton and Gunnar Hansen.

Daz Lawrence

Selected Filmography

1975 – The Stepford Wives

1977 – The Hills Have Eyes

1979 – 10

1981 – The Howling

1982 – E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial

1983 – Cujo

1986 – Critters

1991 – Popcorn

1991 – Alligator 2: The Mutation

1995 – The Temptress

1996 – The Frighteners

1997 – Skeletons

1999 – Deadly Delusions

2001 – Killer Instinct

2004 – Dead End Road

2005 – Scar

2005 – Boo

2005 – Headspace

2006 – Abominable

2006 – Voodoo Moon

2006 – The Plague

2007 – Halloween

2008 – Little Red Devil

2009 – The House of the Devil

2009 – The Haunted World of Superbeasto

2010 – Raven

2011 – Exit Humanity

2012 – The Lords of Salem

2014 – Haunting of Cellblock 11

2015 – Zombie Killers: Elephant'[s Graveyard

2015 – Death House








Zombie Head Decanter



‘For use with a stiff drink’

The Zombie Head Decanter is perfect for wine and spirit enthusiasts who also have a penchant for the undead whether they are in movies, TV, video games or comics. This unique decanter will be a talking point for any gruesome gathering and a novel way to store and present your booze in a fearsome fashion.




With its 1150ml capacity and cork stopper, this horrifying decanter is perfect for parties, Halloween, creepy Christmas get-togethers, or horror movie nights…

Buy a Zombie Head Decanter from Amazon.comAmazon.co.uk


The Barn




The Barn is a 2015 American horror movie directed by Justin M. Seaman – he also plays the “Boogeyman” – from a screenplay he co-wrote with Maggi Mizell, Michael Prutzman and Mark J. Reyes.


Mitchell Musolino, Will Stout, Lexi Dripps, Cortland Woodard, Nikki Howell, Nickolaus Joshua, David Hampton, Ryan Nogy, James Weldon, Maggi Mizell, Robert Mizell.

The film is due for release on October 1, 2015.

Plot teaser:

Halloween, 1989: Best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what’s left of their final Devil’s Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it’s up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defeat the creatures that lurk within “The Barn”…

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Posted by WH




31 is a 2015 US horror movie written, directed and co-produced by Rob Zombie (The Devil’s Rejects; Halloween; The Lords of Salem). It stars Sheri Moon Zombie, Torsten Voges, Bari Suzuki and Elizabeth Daily.

The film was successfully crowdfunded and is now in production.

Plot teaser:

Five people are kidnapped on the days leading up to Halloween and held hostage in a place called Murder World. While trapped, they must play a violent game called 31 where the mission is to survive 12 hours against a gang of evil clowns…






The Varrow Mission aka TeenAlien



The Varrow Mission – re-released as TeenAlien – is a 1978 American PG-rated science fiction-horror film directed by Peter Semelka from a screenplay by Ed and Sherma Yeates. It stars Vern Adix, Michael Dunn, Keith Nelson, Dan Harville, Mike McClure, Judy Richards.


Plot teaser:

Local teenagers are holding a Halloween party at a supposedly “haunted” old mill, but find out that one of the partygoers who is dressed as an alien is actually a real alien…



“In and of itself, The Varrow Mission might put you to sleep. It’s a competently made number with lots of youngsters strolling around (some in costumes) and investigating a creepy place. The Close Encounter scenes and talk of UFO-ish legends add some extra promise of threat. Nothing much happens and, at the end, it feels like we’ve watched the pilot for a show that never went to series, with the Varrow getting in different adventures every week.” Bleeding Skull!


TeenAlien is an incredibly amateur production. Most of the teen actors got their parts through winning a local radio contest … It’s not as Halloween themed as you’d hope (for the ultimate Halloween related fun, check out The Midnight Hour), but it’s a relatively brisk sci-fi/horror mash-up with a couple absolutely hilarious moments.” Tim May, VHS Shitfest


Buy on DVD from Amazon.com

“This is long and slow paced, and sometimes tedious, but I liked it. I think it’s a nostalgia thing, especially since in the 70s movies actually required money and effort, unlike now when anyone with a camera and computer can put out their own movie.” Haunted Monkey Paw Island
varrow mission vhs front
varrow mission spanish vhs front-1


More trouble:

Image thanks: Haunted Monkey Paw Island

Tales of Halloween



Tales of Halloween is a 2015 anthology horror film consisting of tales of terror from the ‘October Society’ directors Darren Lynn Bousman (SAW II, III and IV; Mother’s Day; Abattoir), Axelle Carolyn (Soulmate), Adam Gierasch (Night of the Demons; Fertile Ground), Andrew Kasch (Thirsty; Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy), Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers; The Descent), Mike Mendez (Big Ass Spider!; Lavantula), Lucky McKee (The Woman; All Cheerleaders Die), Dave Parker (The Dead Hate the Living!; The Hills Run Red), Ryan Schifrin (Abominable), John Skipp and Paul Solet (Grace),



Grace Phipps (Dark Summer), Booboo Stewart (The Twilight Saga); Keir Gilchrist (It Follows), Barry Bostwick, Lin Shaye, Greg Grunberg, Joe Dante, John Landis, Mick Garris, Stuart Gordon, Adrienne Barbeau, Adam Green, Pat Healy (The InnkeepersCheap Thrills), Alex Essoe (Starry Eyes), Noah Segan (Looper), Pollyannna McIntosh (The Woman), James Duval (Donnie Darko), Kristina Klebe (Halloween), Marc Senter (The Devil’s Carnival), Jose Pablo Cantillo (The Walking Dead), Sam Witwer (Being Human), and Graham Skipper (Almost Human).


The film is being produced by Epic Pictures’ Patrick Ewald and Shaked Berenson for an October 30, 2015 release.


Plot synopsis:

Ten scary stories are woven together by their shared theme of Halloween night in an American suburb, where ghouls, imps, aliens and axe murderers appear for one night to terrorise unsuspecting residents…



Tales is a hell mouth full of talent sure to become a classic played each Halloween by the horror faithful, paired with a gratuitous amount of candy corn and chocolate. I haven’t seen a film this devoted to the annual October holiday since Trick R’ Treat, and the spooky, sticky sweet candy nostalgia is quite welcome.” Michele “Izzy” Galgana, Twitch Film

“The biggest collective issue may not actually be an issue for most viewers, but it’s worth noting going in that the segments almost across the board aim to be far more comedic than horrific. Terrible things are unfolding onscreen to be sure, but more often than not the filmmakers steer towards laughter rather than terror or scares. Those hoping for straight horror will be disappointed, but fans of Tales From the Crypt and Creepshow will find more than enough to enjoy here.” Rob Hunter, Film School Rejects


“Well-produced on its modest budget, with consistently strong makeup FX from numerous artists, Tales of Halloween offers a variety of visual schemes to keep the stories from running together even as they all take place during the same night, with the supporting characters occasionally crossing over between them. Adding to the fun for fright fans, the movie is chock full of familiar faces in both key and blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em roles.” Michael Gingold, Fangoria

“This is a film built in earnest love of genre, this single day and the season which surrounds it. It’s perhaps irrelevant if it doesn’t frighten the viewer. Surprise and delirium are its focus; kinship with those who’re similarly obsessed, its intent. It’s a Halloween party. Luckily, those who would hope for some spookier séance action will find reasons to attend.” Samuel Zimmerman, Shock Till Your Drop

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The Barn (2016)




The Barn is a 2016 American supernatural horror film directed by Justin M. Seaman from a screenplay with additions by Maggi Mizell, Michael Prutzman and Mark J. Reyes for Nevermore Productions. It should not be confused with the 2011 short film of the same name.

Currently in post-production and raising funds to complete The Barn, the filmmakers have created an Indiegogo page and released a second trailer via Fangoria‘s site.



Mitchell Musolino (Delectus of Pain), Will Stout, Lexi Dripps, Cortland Woodard (The Poltergeist of Borley Forest), Nikki Darling, Nickolaus Joshua, Rik Billock (Gorgasm; FleshEaterThe Dark Half; Schism), Ryan Nogy (Paracosm: The Untold Stories; Gore Orphanage).

Official synopsis:

Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what’s left of their final Devil’s Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it’s up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defeat the creatures that lurk within “The Barn”: The Boogeyman, Candycorn Scarecrow and Hallowed Jack.

First trailer:

Second trailer:

Filming locations:

Pennsylvania, USA

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live evil

Live-Evil is a 2015 American horror film co-produced, written and directed by Ari Kirschenbaum. The synthesizer soundtrack was composed by Shawn Lee (Bully).

The film will debut on 17 October 2015 at the Horror in the Hills festival.



Vladimir Kulich, Charlene Amoia, Vincent M. Ward (The Walking Dead),  J. Richey Nash,  Tony Todd (CandymanPenanceArmy of the Damned), Meagan Mackenzie, Jackson Prather, Tim Ross, Ed Ricker, J. Richey Nash, Meredith Parks, Ira David Wood III, Raven Whisnant, Karen Wheeling Reynolds, Frank Saverino.


When a small college town police station is besieged by “Evil” on a sleepy Halloween night, Pete, the sheriff, and Hancock, his loyal deputy, are thrown into the middle of a holy chess-game that could destroy the town, and possibly the world…


Betty Boop’s Hallowe’en Party



Betty Boop’s Hallowe’en Party is a 1933 American animated short film directed by Dave Fleischer and produced by Max Fleischer. It stars Betty Boop, obviously.


It’s Halloween, and Jack Frost (in his ice-covered airplane) covers the fields with frost. A chilly scarecrow plucks a wind-blown piece of paper out of the air; it is an invitation to Betty Boop’s Hallowe’en party (“p.s., Bring Your Lunch”).


Meanwhile, Betty Boop is mass-producing jack o’lanterns with the help of her animal friends. The partygoers arrive, and join with Betty in song. However, a hulking gorilla gatecrashes the party, and threatens to ruin the evening. Betty and friends turn the table on the beast, and scare him away…

Wikipedia | IMDb

All Hallows’ Eve 2



‘Don’t answer the door’

All Hallows’ Eve 2 is a 2015 American horror anthology film directed by Jesse Baget, Elias Benavidez, Andrés Borghi, Jay Holben, Mike Kochansky, James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik, Bryan Norton, Antonio Padovan, Ryan Patch and Marc Roussel. It is a sequel to the 2013 All Hallows’ Eve.

The film was released on VOD and digital download on October 6, 2015, and is out on DVD February 2, 2016, via RLJ Entertainment.


Alone on Halloween, a young woman finds a mysterious VHS tape on her doorstep-a tape that shows a series of gruesome and ghastly tales that appear to be all too real.

However, these terrifying glimpses of damned souls are not the only horrors that stalk her. A sinister, pumpkin-faced killer is using the videotape as a portal into our reality; and if he makes it through, this twisted trickster seeks only one “treat”: blood…

All Hallows' Eve 2 VHS


“Think of All Hallows’ Eve 2 as the poorer cousin of Tales of Halloween. I still haven’t discussed the wraparound story because it really isn’t worth it. It felt tagged on, like they forgot they needed one and quickly threw something together. But the eight short films here will entertain you and will put a smile on your face this Halloween season.” Scott Shoyer, Anything Horror

More review quotes will be added as they appear. Expect updates…




The Funhouse Massacre



‘Murder is all part of the show’

The Funhouse Massacre is a 2015 American comedy horror film directed by Andy Palmer (Alien Strain; Welcome to Kain) from a screenplay by Ben Begley. Robert Kurtzman (It Follows, Fear Clinic, Texas Chainsaw) is the effects makeup supervisor.

The film releases in select AMC theaters on Friday, November 13, 2015.

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Six of the world’s scariest psychopaths escape from a local asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting crowd of a Halloween funhouse whose themed mazes are inspired by their various reigns of terror…


Main cast:

Robert Englund, Clint Howard, Courtney Gains (Children of the Corn), Robert Peters, E.E. Bell, Chasty Ballesteros, Harry McCane, Erick Chavarria, Sebastian Siegel, Melissa Laffey Flores, Kevin W. Shiveley II, Rick Fike Jr., Chris Hahn, Bridgette Hudyk, Jordan Garrett.


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Trick-or-treat – folklore celebration



Trick-or-treating is a Halloween custom for children in many countries. Children in costumes go from house to house asking for treats such as candy/sweets (or, in some cultures, money) with the phrase “Trick or treat”.

The “trick” is a (usually idle) threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given to them. It typically happens during the evening of October 31. Some homeowners signal that they are willing to hand out treats, for example by putting up Halloween decorations outside their door. Others might simply leave treats on their porch.

In North America, trick-or-treating has been a Halloween tradition since the late 1920s. In Britain and Ireland, the tradition of going house-to-house collecting food at Halloween goes back at least as far as the 16th century, as had the tradition of people wearing costumes at Halloween. In 19th century Britain and Ireland, there are many accounts of people going house-to-house in costume at Halloween, reciting verses in exchange for food, and sometimes warning of misfortune if they were not welcomed.

While going house-to-house in costume has remained popular among Scots and Irish, the custom of saying “trick or treat” has only recently become common. The activity is prevalent in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, theRepublic of Ireland, Puerto Rico, and northwestern and central Mexico. In the latter, this practice is called calaverita (Spanish for “little skull”), and instead of “trick or treat”, the children ask ¿me da mi calaverita? (“can you give me my little skull?”); where a calaverita is a small skull made of sugar or chocolate.

Since the Middle Ages there had been a tradition of mumming on certain holidays. It involved going door-to-door in costume, performing short plays in exchange for food or drink.

The custom of trick-or-treating at Halloween may come from the belief that supernatural beings, or the souls of the dead, roamed the earth at this time and needed to be appeased.

It may have originated in a Celtic festival, held on 31 October–1 November, to mark the beginning of winter. It was Samhain in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man, and Calan Gaeaf in Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. The festival has pre-Christian roots. Among Celtic-speaking peoples, it was seen as a liminal time, when the spirits or fairies, and the souls of the dead, came into our world and were appeased with offerings of food and drink. Similar beliefs and customs were found in other parts of Europe. It is suggested that trick-or-treating evolved from a tradition whereby people impersonated the spirits, or the souls of the dead, and received offerings on their behalf. S. V. Peddle suggests they “personify the old spirits of the winter, who demanded reward in exchange for good fortune”. Impersonating these spirits or souls was also believed to protect oneself from them.

The wearing of costumes, or “guising”, at Hallowmas, had been recorded in Scotland in the 16th centuryand was later recorded in other parts of Britain and Ireland. There are many references to mumming, guising or souling at Halloween in Britain and Ireland during the late 18th century and the 19th century. In Scotland, youths went house-to-house in white with masked, painted or blackened faces, reciting rhymes and often threatening to do mischief if they were not welcomed. In parts of Wales, peasant men went house-to-house dressed as fearsome beings called gwrachod, or presenting themselves as the cenhadon y meirw (representatives of the dead). In western England, mostly in the counties bordering Wales, souling was common. According to one 19th century English writer “parties of children, dressed up in fantastic costume […] went round to the farm houses and cottages, signing a song, and begging for cakes (spoken of as “soal-cakes”), apples, money, or anything that the goodwives would give them”.

Guising at Halloween in Scotland is recorded in 1895, where masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped out turnips, visit homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money. The practice of Guising at Halloween in North America is first recorded in 1911, where a newspaper in Kingston, Ontario reported children going “guising” around the neighbourhood.

American historian and author Ruth Edna Kelley wrote the first book length history of the holiday in the US; The Book of Hallowe’en (1919), and references souling in the chapter “Hallowe’en in America”;

The taste in Hallowe’en festivities now is to study old traditions, and hold a Scotch party, using Burn’s poem Hallowe’en as a guide; or to go a-souling as the English used. In short, no custom that was once honored at Hallowe’en is out of fashion now.

In her book, Kelley touches on customs that arrived from across the Atlantic; “Americans have fostered them, and are making this an occasion something like what it must have been in its best days overseas. All Hallowe’en customs in the United States are borrowed directly or adapted from those of other countries”.

While the first reference to “guising” in North America occurs in 1911, another reference to ritual begging on Halloween appears, place unknown, in 1915, with a third reference in Chicago in 1920.

The earliest known use in print of the term “trick or treat” appears in 1927, from Blackie, Alberta:

Hallowe’en provided an opportunity for real strenuous fun. No real damage was done except to the temper of some who had to hunt for wagon wheels, gates, wagons, barrels, etc., much of which decorated the front street. The youthful tormentors were at back door and front demanding edible plunder by the word “trick or treat” to which the inmates gladly responded and sent the robbers away rejoicing.

The thousands of Halloween postcards produced between the start of the 20th century and the 1920s commonly show children but do not depict trick-or-treating. The editor of a collection of over 3,000 vintage Halloween postcards writes, “There are cards which mention the custom [of trick-or-treating] or show children in costumes at the doors, but as far as we can tell they were printed later than the 1920s and more than likely even the 1930s. Tricksters of various sorts are shown on the early postcards, but not the means of appeasing them”.

Trick-or-treating does not seem to have become a widespread practice until the 1930s, with the first U.S. appearances of the term in 1934, and the first use in a national publication occurring in 1939.

Almost all pre-1940 uses of the term “trick-or-treat” are from the western United States and Canada. Trick-or-treating spread from the western United States eastward, stalled by sugar rationing that began in April 1942 during World War II and did not end until June 1947.

Early national attention to trick-or-treating was given in October 1947 issues of the children’s magazines Jack and Jill and Children’s Activities, and by Halloween episodes of the network radio programs The Baby Snooks Show in 1946 and The Jack Benny Show and The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet in 1948.[32] Trick-or-treating was depicted in the Peanuts comic strip in 1951. The custom had become firmly established in popular culture by 1952, when Walt Disney portrayed it in the cartoon Trick or Treat, and Ozzie and Harriet were besieged by trick-or-treaters on an episode of their television show. 

Although some popular histories of Halloween have characterized trick-or-treating as an adult invention to re-channel Halloween activities away from vandalism, there are very few records supporting it. Meanwhile, some adults, as reported in newspapers from the mid-1930s to the mid-1950s, typically saw it as a form of extortion, with reactions ranging from bemused indulgence to indignation. Likewise, as portrayed on radio shows, children would have to explain what trick-or-treating was to puzzled adults, and not the other way around.

Not unsurprisingly, in 2005, the National Confectioners Association reported that 80 percent of adults in the United States planned to give out confectionery to trick-or-treaters, and that 93 percent of children, teenagers, and young adults planned to go trick-or-treating or participating in other Halloween activities. In 2008, Halloween candy, costumes and other related products accounted for an estimated $5.77 billion in revenue.

Despite the concept of trick or treating originating in Britain and Ireland in the form of souling and guising, the use of the term ‘trick or treat’ at the doors of home owners was not common until the 1980s. According to one BBC journalist, in the 1980s it was still often viewed as an exotic and not particularly welcome import, with the BBC referring to it as “the Japanese knotweed of festivals” and”making demands with menaces”. Very often, the phrase “trick or treat” is simply said and the revellers are given sweets, with the choice of a trick or a treat having been discarded.




Cleaver: Rise of the Killer Clown



‘No more clowning around’

Cleaver: Rise of the Killer Clown is a 2015 British horror film directed by MJ Dixon (Slasher House and sequel; Hollower; Grindsploitation) from a screenplay co-written with producer Jason Harlow (Another Evil Night).

The film was part financed by an IndieGoGo online campaign.



Andrew M Greenwood (Creepsville; Slasher House), Vicki Glover (KillerSaurus) Stephanie Price, Kate Marie Davies, and Rachel Malone.



1990, Oklahoma: Carlton Layton arrived home to find his wife having sex with another man, he went out to his van and donned the clown suit that he used as a children’s entertainer and proceeded to slaughter his wife and her lover. That night Carlton Layton escaped.


Five years later on Halloween Night, Carley, a young college student, is hired to take care of a little girl as her parents head out to a Halloween party, but someone one is waiting, someone wants the girl, someone who we know as ‘The Cleaver”…




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Holidays (2016) [updated with trailer]



‘Every one has a dark side’

Holidays is a 2016 American horror anthology film written and directed by Kevin Smith (Tusk), Gary Shore (Dracula Unbound), Scott Stewart (Dark Skies), Sarah Adina Smith (The Midnight Swim), Nicholas McCarthy (The Pact), Adam Egypt Mortimer (Some Kind of Hate), Anthony Scott Burns (Darknet), and the filmmaking duo of Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer.

The film is a co-production from XYZ Films, Distant Corners Entertainment and ArtCastle Productions.

Main cast:

Lorenza Izzo, Kevin Smith, Seth Green, Clare Grant, Ruth Bradley, Matt Johnson, Andrew Bowen, Peter Campion, Megan Duffy.


This anthology film features a collection of subversive tales each fashioned around celebrations such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day…

International trailer:

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Horror movie tag lines: The good, the bad and the indifferent



The art of selling a movie, particularly a horror movie, is often based on a distinctive and memorable poster campaign. An intriguing, horrific or even repellent image – aligned with a few keywords that aim to draw an audience in – are vital promotion, even before potential punters get to see a teaser or trailer.

Some of the few keywords, or tag lines, used to promote horror films have become classic in themselves, instantly recognised as part of popular cinema culture. Here are some of the most memorable tag lines:

Be afraid. Be very afraid.’

By sword. By pick. By axe. Bye bye.’


Can a movie go TOO FAR?

Cross your heart… and hope to die!

The film that could only be made in South America… where Life is CHEAP!

‘First they greet you, then they eat you.’ (Blood Diner, 1987)

The good news is your dates are here. The bad news is…they’re dead.

He could be the boy next door…

Humans are such easy prey.’

If this movie doesn’t make your skin crawl…it’s on TOO TIGHT!’


If this one doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!’

If you think you’re safe… you’re DEAD wrong!

In space, no one can hear you scream.’

It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent Fritters.

dead and buried poster

It will take your breath away. All of it.

It’s dead of night and everyone’s asleep. …ALMOST EVERYBODY!

It’s not fear that tears you apart… It’s him!

John will never eat shish kebab again.’

happy birthday 3

Just when it’s safe to go back in the water …you can’t get across the beach!

‘Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the bathroom…’

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water.’

The lucky ones died first!

hills have eyes world is full of married men crossroads minus knickers

Man is the warmest place to hide.

The monster demands a mate!

The night HE came home!


Norman Bates is back to normal. But mother’s off her rocker again

Pray it doesn’t happen to YOU!

Sometimes dead is better

Terror has no shape.

‘The blood runs in rivers… …and the drill keeps tearing through flesh and bone’


They slime. They ooze. They kill!

They’re here

This was the night of the CRAWLING TERROR!


This woman has just cut, chopped, broken, and burned five men beyond recognition…but no jury in American would ever convict her!

Today the pond! Tomorrow the world!

‘The ultimate experience in gruelling terror’


We are going to eat you!

Welcome to the Witching Hour.

When the left hand doesn’t know who the right hand is killing!!


When the earth spits out the Dead… they will return to tear the flesh of the Living.

When there’s no more room in HELL, the dead will walk the EARTH

Where shopping costs you an arm and a leg!

Who will get nailed next?

Who will survive and what will be left of them?

You don’t have to go to Texas for a chainsaw massacre!


You have the right to remain silent. FOREVER!

‘You’ll never close your eyes again.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers British quad poster

Here are lots of lesser known horror movie tag lines:

’13 keys open the doors to the house haunted by the living dead!’

’40 luscious beauties marked for murder’

‘250 pounds of maniacal fury’

‘Abby doesn’t need a man anymore… The Devil is Her Lover Now!’


‘An entire town bathed in pulsing human blood! Madmen crazed for carnage!’

‘Angela is having a party. Jason and Freddy are too scared to come. But you’ll have a hell of a time.’

‘Babes of the night, with a different appetite!’

‘The birth of your worst nightmare.’

‘A blood-dripping brain transplant turns a maniac into a monster…’

‘Blood madness… out of the fog… into your heart!’

‘Can you face the ULTIMATE in DIABOLISM …..can you stand PURE TERROR?’

die_monster_die_poster_artwork by Reynold Brown

‘Check in. Unpack. Relax. Take a shower.’ (Psycho, 1998)

‘Close your eyes for a second… and sleep forever.’

‘Creeping terror… striking from the depths of Hell!’

‘Date. Mate. Re-animate.’


‘Death his religion – Blood his lust!’

Death is the only way out!’

‘Digging in the cemetery can have grave consequences.’

‘Don’t dare look behind you! Just feel the skin crawl on the back of your neck’


‘Don’t throw rice… just scream your head off!’

Doomed to walk the earth as slaves to the lord of the living dead!!!

‘Enough to make even Hitchcock jump!’

‘Every girl is frightened before her wedding night. But this time…there’s good reason!’

‘Every second your pulse pounds they grow foot by incredible foot!’

‘Everyone has nightmares about the ugliest way to die.’

A fiendish vampire from a strange world in outer space drains his victims’ blood and turns them into weird corpses!

‘First he chills them. Then he kills them.’

‘The first motion picture to called gore-nography!!!’


‘A gift from Heaven… or a curse from Hell!’

He chose his weapons… he selected his victims… he picked his nose…’

‘He wants your body. In pieces.’

‘He’s out there… out of sight, and out of his mind!’

‘Heads will rock & roll’

‘A horror horde of crawl-and-crush giants clawing out of the earth from mile-deep catacombs!’

A hunger from beyond the grave!

If stark terror were ecstasy… living here would be sheer bliss!’


‘If you have a craving for terror come to the class reunion’

‘It’s cleavage vs. cleavers and the result is delta delta deadly!’

‘In a bowling alley from Hell, there’s only one way to score…’

It walks. It stalks. It tears the shriek right out of your throat.

‘Love means never having to say you’re ugly’

‘Lust has never been this terrifying!’

‘Lusting for women it terrified the land!’

‘The nightmare terror of the slithering eye that unleashed agonizing horror on a screaming world!’


‘Nine attractive girls… Four dangerous men… One endless night of terror!

‘Nothing so appalling in the annals of horror!’

Blood Feast

Nothing you have ever witnessed before has prepared you for such sheer, stabbing shock!

‘One crazy night of debauchery and damnation!’

‘People of Earth: your planet is about to be destroyed… sorry for the inconvenience.’

For the sake of your sanity, pray it isn’t true!’

‘Pretty young ladies make the perfect plant food!’

‘Remember that kid everyone ignored on Valentine’s Day? – He remembers you.’

‘Roaches have never tasted meat… until now.’

nest poster

‘The rocking, shocking, new wave of horror!’

‘RUN – if you must HIDE – if you can SCREAM but…’

‘Save your screams until you see its face’

‘Screaming young girls sucked into a labyrinth of horror by a blood-starved ghoul from hell.’

‘The screams you hear may be your own!’

‘Sex, drugs and the walking dead’

‘Sinner… Your evil shall destroy you…’

‘Some things shouldn’t be disturbed…’

boogens 3

‘Someone’s taking a big slice out of the Big Apple…’

‘Something you wouldn’t dare to imagine is alive!’


‘Stalked by fear and terror… night and day!’ (The Man Who Haunted Himself, 1970)

‘They are not here for candy.’

‘They have come from another world… to stay!’

‘They lived by eating human bones… and threatened to consume the world!’

They’re not human. But they hunt women. Not for killing. For mating.


‘This film will provoke, anger and sicken!’

‘Those Slap-happy Screamsters go a’hauntin!’


‘Warm blood isn’t all they suck!’


‘We will eat your heart out!’

‘What a horrible way to die!’

When play becomes slay


When was the last time you were afraid? Really afraid?

When you can’t scream anymore!

‘White-hot terror! Cold, clammy fear!’

‘Work. It sucks the life out of you.’

‘The worms are waiting!

‘You are what they eat.’

‘You may never sleep alone again!’

Bride admat

‘You scream, you expand, you explode.’

spasms 5

‘You’ll eat your heart out!’

‘You’ll scream yourself into a state of shock when you see-‘

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