‘Murder is all part of the show’
The Funhouse Massacre is a 2015 American comedy horror film directed by Andy Palmer (Alien Strain; Welcome to Kain) from a screenplay by Ben Begley. Robert Kurtzman (It Follows, Fear Clinic, Texas Chainsaw) is the effects makeup supervisor.
The film releases in select AMC theaters on Friday, November 13, 2015.
Six of the world’s scariest psychopaths escape from a local asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting crowd of a Halloween funhouse whose themed mazes are inspired by their various reigns of terror…
Main cast:
Robert Englund, Clint Howard, Courtney Gains (Children of the Corn), Robert Peters, E.E. Bell, Chasty Ballesteros, Harry McCane, Erick Chavarria, Sebastian Siegel, Melissa Laffey Flores, Kevin W. Shiveley II, Rick Fike Jr., Chris Hahn, Bridgette Hudyk, Jordan Garrett.